
VX400M: vaccination campaign safe from potentially infected aerosol

VX400M: vaccination campaign safe from potentially infected aerosol

Airsafe® medical aerosol high-flow suction system protect patients and healthcare operators in each phase of Covid-19 pandemic. It is in everyday situations that aerosol suction systems prove to be fundamental to keep spread of infection under control. Daily situations like vaccination: central stage in the fight against pandemic.

As a fact, healthcare operators take the risk of exposure every day, but the same operators can also be vehicle of infection, since the virus spreads via respiratory secretions and since each doctor takes care of numerous patients within a very short time.
Furthermore, rooms used forcovid vaccinations are not always equipped with adequate ventilation, being often situated in temporary facilities.

For this reason, to be sure to abate risk of infection in these contexts, it is necessary to put together passive protections as PPEs (Personal Protective Equipments: masks, gloves, visors, scrubs) and active protection systems as VX400M.
The first group phisically shields respiratory tracts from biohazard, whereas Airsafe® medical aerosol high-flow suction systems protect actively catching infected aerosol before it pollutes the room, exactly as it already happens in industrial contexts to protect the staff from harmful steams and dust.

The solution adopted consists in preventing the virus from remaining in the air thanks to medical aerosol suction straight from the source: that is the patient’s emission area. AirSafe® plants and machineries are based on this principle. They have been designed during the first pandemic stage precisely to better control spread of infections in medical and hospital contexts.
Main difference between this technique and ambient purification is the prompt preventive action: purifiers clean air once this is contaminated,AirSafe® medical aerosol suction systems prevent air pollution catching the harmful emission straight from the source and filtering it to H14 HEPA or U15 ULPA levels, before to recycle it in the environment.

AirSafe®machineries and plants have been designed in collaboration with healthcare operators because our main goal is to support those working in contact with contagious patients, with no interference with their work, thanks to:

  • High-flow capacity: enable to conveniently locate the aspirator at 20/30cm from the patient;
  • Clear hood: no interference in operators’ vision;
  • Arm with junctions: convenient positioning with no interference with operators moves;
  • Certified filtration stages: final grade H14 or U15 to abate up to 99.9995% of airborne particles;
  • Patented pre-separating stage for wet parts: allows to sanitize the machine employing common products available in the facility, simply vaporizing them in the suction hood.


Discover all Airsafe® medical aerosol high-flow suction system’s applications.

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